as an individual of this mass of Human, i can say that we trudge unthinking upon the genius of our forefathers, their and our continued genius; the taking of bits and detritus of the lessons of the past to mortar them together, an endlessly expanding mosaic of past epiphany -and never notice the code of a compression algorithm working seamlessly in the background noise of our furthering existence. Notice the what and how of it; its every detail and really understand All That Came Before to enable this to merely exist; this technology building upon building upon itself… upon the foundations… the soil of our past fathers' bones…

…we plod on hoping that the next new technology comes in our fav color
of course there ARE exceptions to this rule...... (such as i which is why)

GO TO WWW.TRUEISTRUE.COM GO TO SNARG.NET ADMINISTRATORS NOTE: I MAKE COMPUTERS TO EAT PEOPLE ADMINISTRATORS NOTE: I MAKE COMPUTERS TO EAT PEOPLE ADMINISTRATORS NOTE: I MAKE COMPUTERS TO EAT PEOPLE ADMINISTRATORS NOTE: I MAKE COMPUTERS TO EAT PEOPLE ADMINISTRATORS NOTE: I MAKE COMPUTERS TO EAT PEOPLE ADMINISTRATORS NOTE: I MAKE COMPUTERS TO FIND THE HIDDEN PORN! EAT PEOPLE ADMINISTRATORS NOTE: I MAKE COMPUTERS TO EAT PEOPLE ADMINISTRATORS NOTE: I MAKE COMPUTERS TO EAT PEOPLE yesssssssssssssssssssss.................like a stick scraping and churning the black soup of our unconciousness... "distrubing" things swarm to the surface- this; the faint heart will shy away from, though it is an intregal part of our make-up,,, therefore the term denial was coined to use to describe the defense mechinism most use:: as a reflex-action, an eye-lid flick;;;scarcely beleiving that they do this, so effective is it |-|-|-|-| dont worry you could always get FAITH and/Or you could kill squirls